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An Overview of Book Printing in China

 Current situation and characteristics of China's publication printing industry 1. It is greatly affected by the development of downstream industries. To a certain extent, the printing industry of books, newspapers and periodicals depends on the development of traditional media such as books, newspapers and periodicals. As the development of traditional media tends to be slow due to the impact of new media such as the Internet, the development of the printing industry of books, newspapers and periodicals is also affected to varying degrees. 2. Regional characteristics are obvious. In recent years, China's book, newspaper, periodicals printing industry has shown an obvious trend of block regionalization. With the formation of the economic circle of the three major urban agglomerations linked by the industrial chain, two regional printing industrial belts have been formed in the Pearl River Delta focusing on Guangdong Province and the Yangtze River Delta focusing on Shanghai, Zhejiang Province and Jiangsu Province. The printing industry in the Bohai Rim Economic Zone focusing on Beijing and Tianjin is an important regional printing center. 3. Green printing is popular. Green printing has become the development direction jointly promoted by China's printing industry. Only by implementing the green printing strategy can the China’s printing industry effectively eliminate backward production capacity and create a new pattern of low-carbon and green industrial development. 4. Market competition tends to be fierce. The continuous impact of the Internet era on the development of traditional media has gradually increased the pressure on Chinese publishing and printing enterprises such as books, newspapers and periodicals. A large number of Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises have not successfully transformed and upgraded, facing the risk of bankruptcy, and the industry market competition is becoming more and more fierce. See An Overview of Children Book Printing in Asia for more information. Supply analysis of China's publication printing industry From 2015 to 2019, the number of Chinese publication printing enterprises fluctuated. In 2019, the number of publication printing enterprises in China was 9014, with a year-on-year increase of 1.0%. Influenced by COVID-19 in 2020, the number of publication printing enterprises is expected to drop to 8924. From 2015 to 2019, the binding output of Chinese publication printing enterprises showed a fluctuating trend. In 2019, the binding output of Chinese publication printing enterprises was 347.387 million reams, a year-on-year increase of 4.1%. In 2020, influenced by COVID-19, the binding output was expected to drop to 343 million 910 thousand reams.
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Children Book Printing-4 Environmental Standards You Should Consider in 2022

 The children book market is becoming more and more prosperous as parents pay more and more attention to children’s reading. Every time the online book shop promotes, the data of children book sales is always quite amazing. At the same time, parents' requirements for children book printing are improving simultaneously, especially the safety and environmental standards of children book printing. Many publishing organizations have begun to mark children books with words such as "green printed publications". How much do you know about professional environmental standards for children book printing?Here what needs to be reminded is that the environmental protection of printed matter cannot be confused with the quality of printed matter. The quality of printed matter means that the handwriting and lines are clear and the colors are bright. Yet the environmental protection of printed matter means that the printed matter do not bring health hazards to readers when they look through it. The reason why children books are particularly mentioned is that when children read, harmful substances in printed matters are easier to ingest into the body. First, children, especially young ones, may have the habit of tearing and biting books when reading; Second, many children books have a large number of color pictures, and the amount of ink is much more than ordinary text-based books. Therefore, children books should have higher standards in environmental protection than ordinary books.
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Kids Book Printing|18 Tips Help You Save Money

 These days, it seems like anything can be found for free on the internet. But sometimes when you want something done right, you have to pay for it. This is especially true when it comes to kids book printing. Although there are a few ways to save money on this process, most of them come with a cost: lower quality, fewer options, or longer wait times. Luckily, there are also functional ways to save money on kids book printing costs without sacrificing the printing quality.It’s time to put those tips into action. Here are 18 tips you can take to save some money on your next print order. 18 tips on saving money on kids book printing 1.Compare quotes from different printers. It’s important to compare quotes from different printers in order to find the best deal. Keep in mind that the price of book printing can vary depending on the type of printer, the number of copies being printed, and binding style and so on.Take into account not only the cost of the printing itself but also the shipping and handling charges. 2.Use a Quality Printer.Not all printing companies will offer the same services and not all of them can provide you with the same results too. You need to make sure that your chosen book printer is well equipped and has a good reputation for producing quality products and providing excellent customer service along with fast turnaround times. It's also important to make sure they are suited for the job. Here at TIMI Printing,we have 2 Heidelberg printing machines, 2 CTP machines,10 after-printing process machines and 2 streamlines production lines, providing you with more professional products and services.
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